04 June 2012

Snow White and the Keeper of my Soul, I mean, Huntsman

Saw Snow White and the Huntsman yesterday. Probably why I spent the last hour fangirling and looking at pics of Chris Hemsworth online, but whatever. I really liked it. The film itself was very beautiful not only in its prettier moments, but even its more rugged down-in-the-mud ones. And did I mention Chris Hemsworth was in it? Yeah, I'll be in my room...

This is first film I've seen Kristen Stewart in since before Twilight, which I attempted to watch once but left half-way through it was so painful.  She was the lesser of the three leads in terms of acting ability in SWATH, but contrary to many other reviews out there, I thought she did remarkably well in this film considering what she had to work with.  I was uplifted as I should have been during the sanctuary scenes and when she was in the courtyard rousing the peasants, and I thought she played the moments in the tower with the brother to supreme perfection. She lost me a bit when she ate the apple, but that's only because I knew she was being betrayed there so I wasn't really in the moment. God, you could see that coming a mile away.

Chris was his usual fabulous self only with a thicker accent... not sure what country he was supposed to be from but who cares it's Hot Man With Accent. *nods*  I liked his little back story, though. It was nice to know why he was doing what he did, and to see how the Huntsman is really a good man at heart. Okay, that just made him hotter than blazes for me, but not caring!  I'm a perv, and this is my review so there. :P

Charlize Theron as Ravenna stole the entire film as far as I'm concerned. I felt like this was a prelude to Angelina Jolie's Maleficent where we're supposed to get background on why the Evil Villain is evil. Honestly, they should have marketed SWATH that way because really that's what this film was. There was more character development as to why Charlize's Queen was doing what she does than on why we should follow KStew's princess.  Granted, it's not like we all don't know Snow White's background anyway, but still. This film was all about Ravenna. I can only hope Angie pulls half as good at my heart-strings. The only flaw I can point out with Charlize is the way she delivered her lines. The constant pauses and deep intonations were getting annoying after awhile. Yeah, we get it. You're evil. Moving on...

OMG AT THE KISS THAT WAKES SNOW WHITE!  I died a little death there and had to restrain myself from fist-pumping in the middle of the theatre. KStew really pulled off the waking up bit as believable, too.

I would not turn down a sequel to this.

I watched a bit of Disney's Snow White on Youtube last week just to give myself a refresher on the story. When Snow runs on to the Dark Forest I could see a parallel between the films, and then again with all the animals in the Sanctuary, but the Dwarves were complete and exact opposites. In fact, this version didn't even really need them there as they seemed more a case of "well, they're in the story we have to have them" than vital characters to drive the plot forward. In keeping the Huntsman alive and helping her, Universal made the Dwarves completely superfluous.

Overall, I liked the film. I wouldn't pay to see it again in the theatre's like I have The Avengers (twice so far. Haven't fangirled this hard since Titanic), but I won't pass it up at Redbox or when Walmart sells it for $9.99. I won't go into how many times I've also been watching Thor, Captain America, and the Iron Man movies lately.

Don't judge me.