16 February 2012

Friday Night Date Night

For the new year, Hubs and I decided we needed to spend more time together not on our laptops, or watching crap TV whilst on our laptops. Hence, Friday Night Date Night has been born.

Not surprisingly, not because I'm lazy, just that bad, it's taken me how many weeks now into the new year to relay that these FNDN's have mostly consisted of movie nights. From borrowed movies to crap in our collection, to multiple trips to Redbox, we've started to not only spend our Friday's watching movies, but over one memorable weekend, spent every single day watching films back-to-back.

While I would like to review every single film we've seen so far this year, I will admit I would be damn lucky if I remembered every single one. First, we re-watched [Hubs hadn't seen it yet, but I had] Jean-Pierre Jeunet's A Very Long Engagement. I adore this man's films. He is like a fine wine; his work gets better with age. Sweet and poignant, the film tells of a woman determined to find out what happened to her love during WWI France.  I was determined right along with her. Her high jinx, her intuition, the characters she met. Beautiful.

Our second week was not nearly as beautiful, poignant, or well, a decent film. Hubs made me watch The Ice Pirates. Contrary to it's brilliant name, it was not a gay porno that took place in the Arctic.

I would have preferred the gay porn. I know I would have had a better night if we watched that, that's for sure.

The third week lead us to our first experience with Redbox. Crazy Stupid Love was a film I'd been wanting to see for awhile now, so I took immediate advantage. I know, nothing like being late to the party. I loved the dynamic between Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling's characters. Even Ryan's and Steve Carrell's. So multi-layered, the frequent hilarity only added another dimension instead of detracting from it as so often happens in romantic comedy's.

Other films we've watch on our FNDN's which often turned into Saturday nights and additional Sunday afternoons after our beloved Packers lost in the playoffs included Warrior, Contagion, Hangover II, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Bunraku, Super 8, True Grit, Bridesmaids [because Hubs hadn't seen it yet], and The Debt.

Bunraku put me to sleep, though I think if I had been in the right mood for it, I would have liked it.

Hangover II and Bridesmaids were watched back-to-back the night before I spent a weekend wedding dress shopping for my sister. It was a fun night. I liked the darkness of Hangover II compared to the first one, and Bridesmaids is just a hoot all around.

HPDH2 was a let down. I was expecting it to let me down, and it didn't disappoint. Hubs, who has never read any of the books, had no  idea what the hell was going on most of the time, whilst I was too upset over the lack of continuity, the slow-pacing, the world's worst editing job and the completely obvious lack of care Yates gave to any part of making this an enjoyable experience. I shouldn't have snorted or rolled my eyes so much for what should have been a tear-jerker.

Warrior was ok. It had Tom Hardy shirtless, and that was the only reason I bothered picking it up. Don't judge me.

True Grit and The Debt are standing out as my favorites along with Super 8. S8 because I'm a geek like that, True Grit because the John Wayne version is one of my favorite films of all time, and for a re-make this version right up there next to it for being that well done, and The Debt because... Well, The Debt was just good. All around fine acting, a believable premise and denouement, and characters I cared about. My heart was utterly breaking for Jessica Chastain and Sam Worthington. Utterly, utterly in tears.

And last, but certainly not least, I did not mind the deadly epic Contagion showcased for the simple reason Gwyneth Paltrow was the first victim. There was a certain je ne sais quoi in watching her die and knowing this horrible disease spreading like that was all her fault.


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