16 April 2012

FNDN #2 & a LAD update

The Three Musketeers  - Luke Evans and Logan Lerman version
J. Edgar
Johnny English Reborn
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Rum Diary
The Hunger Games 
Lad: A Yorkshire Story (final cut w/out finishing touches (foley, music, sound effects, etc.)

It's mid-April so I figured I'd go ahead and do another Friday Night Date Night listing for all you crickets out there. Hubs and I have been especially busy the past month and a half, so we haven't seen nearly as many films as we would have liked. I was gone for three days at the beginning of March to go work for my Dad so that Friday was a no go, and we were at a conference two weekends later leaving that Date Night a bust as well. Throw in overtime for the both of us, short one day only conferences across the state and birthday parties and anniversaries we had to journey to plus our full time jobs and evening committee work for our other job, we've been lucky some weeks just to be able to stay awake long enough to see a film come Friday night.

Our choices haven't been of the highest caliber for a few reasons. Sixty hour work weeks have been leaving the both of us of a mind for meaningless, mindless entertainment.  When he brought home The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo I just looked at him like he was crazy. "Hello! Long work week why are you making me get in to the deep and heavies here?" Besides being exhausted, there were a few reasons I didn't want to see GwtDT. One) I had watched a few interviews of star Rooney Mara, and I've never had an actress turn me off so quickly as a person before in my life, and two) I felt the publicity for the film was six months too long and sensationally over the top. I don't like it when studios tell me it's supposed to be the next big thing, especially if the film is only a remake of a different countries that did well. If the film did so well, why are you re-making it? What's the problem with subtitles? That's always bothered me. Anyway, if I wasn't predisposed against the movie I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more than I did, and I still quite liked it as a film itself. It was fairly predictable at times, and considering I hadn't read the book, I thought that was pretty telling. I did know ahead of time of the rape scene so I made a point of getting up and leaving the room to make dinner when that started to play out. Been there, do not need to see it on film thank you very much.  But overall, I thought it was a fine movie. I'd definitely watch it in re-runs on cable, but I won't be owning it.

The Three Musketeers, Johnny English Reborn and The Rum Diary were all equally enjoyable in an in-one-ear-out-the-other type of sense. They all had good laughs and pretty eye candy, and the weeks we watched them, that's all I needed them to be. As films go, The Rum Diary was far superior with Giovanni Ribisi giving one of his best performances ever. I'm starting to get tired of the typical schtick Johnny Depp has been selling lately, and it's obvious he filmed this between two Pirate movies as Captain Jack came through in his mannerisms one time too many.  Speaking of the Pirate films, Musketeers came across as a wanna-be and failed miserably in doing so. No one should ever put Logan Lerman in long hair again, or give him such cheesy writing to spew, and if you are going to cast Luke Evans in a film, Use. Him. Why that man had his shirt on the entire time, I will never know.  I won't even remark on the "flying ships" as that was just... wrong. So, so wrong. 

I won't go in to The Hunger Games as I basically said everything I wanted to about it in my last post.  I'm ever so much looking forward to Catching Fire no matter who directs it.

Last but not least is my own feature film, Lad: A Yorkshire Story. Dan sent me a copy of the final edit sent to post at Pinewood. It's a great departure from the short version of film we released (which focused exclusively on the two brothers), and omg am I bloody amazed at what he was able to edit and keep in considering our last few conversations concerning what cuts needed to be made. Nice and tight, I think people will really enjoy it. And our lead Bretten Lord has just the best facial expressions and really makes you weep for the character, not to mention being the world's loveliest little shit off camera, too. Like our Facebook page of the film if you want weekly updates on what's happening, and when it will be screening across the UK this summer/fall. It will be in post still for the next few weeks; not due to be finished at Pinewood until mid-May at the earliest.

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